Have you ever noticed how appealing certain imperfections in our photographs are? The most common experiences have to be —by far— those produced by our shaky hands. When it comes to photography, the slightest of shakes become visible. Nevertheless, light's speed can play in our favour by using fast shutter speeds, but why are we trying to avoid shaking in the first place? It's when we come to realise how beautiful light strokes are~
Intentional Camera Movement —aka ICM— is a technique used in photography to take advantage of how light makes its way through, bloating our camera's sensor when setting a somewhat low shutter speed. Effective ICM, is more of a direct experience thing rather than a random approach to creativity. ICM allows us to quickly produce light strokes inside of our frames.
Try it yourself, set your camera to 1/8 and compensate with a tight aperture value until things become pleasing to your eye. And if you find the need to season things up, give that ISO setting a couple of kicks. Now, press the shutter button and produce the result by giving a slight push to the camera with your hands. Now, try different approaches to this newly met movement capability of photography!
In the following collection, you find a fine selection of abstract images produced by skilled intentional camera movements!
Photo of the Week
Before we go on, let us introduce a rich example of how striking intentional camera movement can be when used in a controlled fashion. There are no words for me to describe how beautiful I find this frame which transported me to my teenage years, pretty much when I was discovering literature and flirted with early twentieth-century terror for a while.

Thanks Patrick!
Weekly Photography Challenge Digest
Thanks, Tersha and Dahlia for pushing our creative boundaries one step forward every week!

A canvas painted by the unseen brush 🙂

Multiple exposure – Lilac Bloom

Multiple exposure

Sneaked a few in while walking the dog this morning.

By The Lake

A tree in front of our house that is illuminated with some decorative lights.

For more ICM, check out the 684st challenge post!
A Highlight on the Latest Activity at our Community
Marty shared the following image and requested some thoughts:
Here’s my original shot with cropped composition. I’m never too sure about when’s enough vs too much. Does this crop work? I like the interest of weird and colorful things on the left to add interest but didn’t want so much horizontal to distract from the yellow bloom. Also I don’t have a macro lens. Do I need one for this type of closeup shot? Here’s my exif: Canon 90D – f/8, 1/400, ISO-800, -1 step, 250mm. Any thoughts? Thanks

Jim delighted us with this beautiful array:

bucweeet took one of the boldest turns in photography, doing landscape in VERTICAL MODE, and guess what? He nailed it!

Punctum and studium are concepts that passionate photographers eventually encounter. Personally, I define Barthes' notion of punctum as that from the image capable of visually charging one’s attention with an unarguable and undeniable punch.
Also, I appreciate his courage for attempting to unveil the structures of visual language, however I don't think all images are capable of developing punctum. However, Marty opened the doors for us to further discuss these obscure terms. Swing by!
And don't forget to swim the Mobile Monday Challenge, it gets wild!
We'd Love To Hear Your Thoughts
Our Feedback Forum is a fine place for all those people wanting to grow fast as photographers. Here, you'll get your work reviewed by other photographers, but you'll also have the chance to comment on the work of others. We believe in the power of feedback, and here are the latest shots shared in the pool:
The Shark Tank is a great place to learn and to discuss, but please read the instructions in order to have a better experience. Share your comments, opinions, and doubts on any or all of the images above. We also will be delighted to see some of your own images. Remember all comments are given to the photographs; not the photographers.
Also, don't forget to participate in our upcoming challenge!
1 Comment
These look like paintings. Beautiful!