Legendary Publication Photo District News (PDN) Closes After 40 Years

Times are tough for publishing in general and particularly for specialist publications like Photo District News, also known as PDN, which announced that it would be shutting down this year, ending a 40-year run that started in 1980.

adult blur business camera
Photo by Kaique Rocha from Pexels.

The closure comes as the owner of PDN, Emerald Expositions, seeks to focus on its other properties, namely PhotoPlus, WPPI, and Rangefinder, PetaPixel reports.

In a statement to the press from Emerald Expositions, the company said, “[We wanted] to deliver what our most active and engaged market was looking for, and that was more content and information around Rangefinder and WPPI. We also wanted to create a content platform that supported the PhotoPlus community. That meant evolving our portfolio to no longer include PDN.”

Apparently, PDN’s online content will be preserved in some fashion which means that the community should have access to its wealth of resources online.

Photo District News’ closure joins other storied publications that have also recently called it a day such as Imaging Resource and Popular Photography though, really, this isn’t a trend relegated to just the print photography journalism niche.

In a statement on their website, PDN’s Senior Vice President, Conference Development Johanna Morse said the following:

“Emerald Expositions announced that as of today, Photo District News (PDN) will no longer publish content. PHOTOPLUS will still be produced this fall at the Javits Center.

The photography industry has undergone significant changes since PDN was first published in 1980, and the needs of professional photographers have changed along with it. By adjusting our offerings, we can further our mission of providing streamlined, cutting-edge resources that help imaging professionals of all levels achieve their goals and live their passion.

Rangefinder will shift to an all-digital content hub with the WPPI exclusive edition distributed at the show this February 23-27 in Las Vegas. There will be greater integration between Rangefinder and WPPI.”

Founded in 1980, Photo District News started as a photography magazine that covered the neighborhood of the same name in New York City but which later expanded to other areas of coverage across the United States and the world.

Judging from the reaction online, their contribution to the field will be sorely missed.

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About Author

Kehl is our staff photography news writer since 2017 and has over a decade of experience in online media and publishing and you can get to know him better here and follow him on Insta.

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