This is a message to all photographers around the world — nature enthusiast or not — we all own the means to address this directly. As an art form, photography took a pivotal turn towards this straight path thanks to nature. Ansel Adams and his talented squad of f/64 aperture lovers can be seen as the generation who elevated landscape as a valid visual subject.
A big apart — from another location and time — the Bechers came onto the scene. This couple forked straight imagery into a human-oriented direction. Allegedly, their cameras aimed to study a monolithic topic — the presence of our species within the urban landscape. With this sort of ecology through photography, we get a glimpse of our relationship with nature.
Today we address something less poetic and more urgent, our selfish and notorious impact on nature. And please, consider this topic as a life-saver opportunity for anyone passing through a creative block. Through the generous technique of photography, we all can do something about raising a voice towards nature's preservation.
Photo of the Week
From the comments praising this shot, I'm positive we can all agree that this is an exquisite photograph.
Together — lighting, tones, composition and temperature — build this photograph as a next-level visual experience. However, we cannot distract from the story here being told about how pollution we are…

Construction activities disrupt the land near the US/Mexican border wall. The wall divides a Unesco World Heritage Site, Native American reservations, ancient stands of saguaro cactus, and migration corridors critical to 93 Endangered Species.
Congrats Click, thanks for sharing this masterpiece with us!
Weekly Photography Challenge Digest
Thanks, Tersha and Dahlia for pushing our creative boundaries one step forward every week!

Effects on humans in a densely populated environment.

Every stage of a quarry’s life cycle comes at an enormous environmental cost of natural carbon sinks, eradication of biodiversity, noise and air pollution, and disruption of natural streams and springs.

Graffiti Carved in this beautiful Giant Redwood Tree

Gullies often become garbage dumps…

I posted this recently in the first contest as a negative spirit. I think it is more appropriate here. The refineries viewed from Staten Island.

Rubbish in the countryside …

Drink and Drop

For more visual imagery, check out the 688th original challenge post!
A Highlight on the Latest Activity at our Community
I would say this definitely fits as a triptych, thanks a lot Patrick!

A grey miserable day , but pictures won’t make themselves by sitting in the house .. is what i said before zipping my jacket up 🙂
Rob taught us about Bluebottles:

“Went to the beach a few weeks ago and saw more Bluebottles than I have ever seen. Literally every foot of the waterline was covered for the whole beach. These things STING and will leave a scar that lasts for months. Hurts like hell. We saved a few tourists from going into the water for a swim. I have never really seen them bunched like this either. There were a LOT of them.“
bucweeet captured this glamorous looking butterfly:

And Tersha spotted some droplets on the ends of the leaves on a Canna lily plant:

Last but definitely not least, Marty opened the debate on what's needed to be a good photographer.
Remember, our monthly contest is live, and is all about Natural Resilience, go check out the guidelines if $250 sounds like an interesting prize! And if you want to make out the most of your LightStalking user, make sure to check the latest posts. Also, don't forget to swim the Mobile Monday Challenge!
We'd Love To Hear Your Thoughts
Our Feedback Forum is a fine place for all those people wanting to grow fast as photographers. Here, you'll get your work reviewed by friendly photographers, but you'll also have the chance to comment on the work of others. We believe in the power of feedback, and here are the latest shots shared in the pool:
- Light-Painting
- lines of chairs
- Narabeen
- Cropping for best composition
- Tour de France trials
- nets and floats
- Rainbow Lorikeet
- No Idea What You See?
- London Underground
- Street Photography London Underground
- Tulip BW
- Lighthouse…
- Ladybug & White Daffodils
- Bumble Bee on plant
- Cleanup & BW values
- Smokestack
The Shark Tank is a great place to learn and to discuss, but please read the instructions in order to get a better experience. Share your comments, opinions and doubts on any or all of the images above. We also would be delighted to see some of your own images. Remember all comments are given to the photographs; not the photographers.
Also, don't forget to participate in our current challenge on gentle giants… of the micro world!