Dessert – is there a better meal of the day? Sweet treats are definitely my downfall. Even better, these delectable delicacies photograph beautifully.
Honestly, I think it is all the vibrant colours that make desserts not only a tasty but also a visual, treat. Colour can be wonderfully creative and composing in colour begins with understanding colour.
You'll notice that many of these wonderful images use the colour red – it takes these photographs to the next level. Red can have an amazing impact on people and, also an amazing impact on your photography.
Colour is powerful part of composition, and mastering it effectively is a skill that will improve your photography.
So with that in mind, here are 45 photographs of delicious desserts to get the creative juices flowing.
Advanced Composition And Composing In Colour
Composing with colour is a fascinating aspect of advanced composition. If you’d like to advance your skill and improve your photography composition, you should take a look at Kent DuFault’s guide to advanced composition.
In Kent Dufault's Advanced Composition, you'll discover advanced composition concepts such as:
- Compression
- Colour Placement
- Contrast Overlap
- Rhythm
- Colour Wash
- Texture
- Stacking
Get it here today

[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””]<a href=””>Advanced Composition</a> </strong>– will ensure you create images that pop. You'll get more out of your photography and start taking images that will truly capture your creative vision. If you’d like to improve your composition skills and learn concepts that go beyond the ‘rule of thirds’, do take a look at Kent DuFault’s guide <strong><a href=””>Advanced Composition</a>.[/thrive_text_block]

Advanced Composition Will Make Your Images Pop
If you are looking to improve your photography composition and learn concepts that go beyond the ‘rule of thirds’, do take a look at Kent DuFault’s guide Advanced Composition. With this guide, you will learn all about:
- colour
- light
- shadow
- lines
- curves
- repetition
- juxtaposition
- anticipation
- pre-visualization
- timing