It looks like someone is pretending to be a rep from Nikon Press Relations, and they’re targeting photographers as part of a scam to potentially phish data from them.

The emails apparently look obvious enough but, for the uninitiated, a few things to look out for are broken links, links with strange URLs, poor grammar (after all, Nikon Press Relations isn’t going to send out something that makes them look bad), and some kind of request to send media in return for sponsorship or other opportunities.
It sounds quite bizarre truth be told, but that’s what multiple outlets, including DP Review, are reporting. On the face of it, it sounds like some kind of attempt to hijack the recipient’s personal information but who knows with these kinds of scams.
And it’s not just a few people here and there that are receiving these emails; it is widespread enough that Nikon had to address the issue themselves.
“It has come to our attention that people pretending to be Nikon representatives are contacting YouTube and Facebook channel owners via email.
The fraudulent correspondence generally carry Nikon’s name, and / or refer to the Nikon public relations department, requesting that the recipient produce a video using a Nikon camera or offer sponsorship opportunities.
These emails bear no relation to Nikon or any members of the Nikon Group.
In light of the increasing frequency of these incidents, Nikon would like to raise awareness of the fact that third parties, representing themselves as Nikon, may attempt to gain personal or financial information and exploit it for financial gain.”
You can read the full thing over here on Nikon’s website.
Of course, if you’ve received one of these scam emails, we’d love to know your story in the comments below.
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