The Internet is a petri dish of scams and misinformation, with the term “fake news” even entering the general lexicon following the 2016 US campaign for president.
Now a new scam has emerged that is a variation on the old Nigerian oil wealth scheme but this one has a unique twist to it that makes it particularly interesting.
This scam uses famous US photographer Jill Greenberg and her company’s name and reputation in an attempt to lure prospective models into a creative iteration of the advance-fee scam.
What the advance-fee scam is in practice is when an Internet source, almost always unsolicited, will contact a person through email (or phone, scams take many forms) and, in order to receive some reward, sum of money, job opportunity, or what have you, the person contacted need only forward a small sum of money to a third-party in the form of a deposit, fee, etc.

This scam has seen use in every application from “unlocking a vast overseas fortune” described in an email (always being held by corrupt government officials who are so thoroughly venal they merely monitor your vast fortune) to bogus apartment rentals on Craigslist.
The suspect line from the scam email reads in part: “In addition, an advanced deposit/upfront pay of $500 shall be mailed to you to ensure your engagement on the upcoming cast with us in line with our business ethics…However, you will NOT only receive a paycheck of $500 but also an EXTRA amount that you will use to pay for your wardrobe/Costume bills which you will forward to the Fashion stylist in charge of your Wardrobe/Costume along with your measurements.”
Aside from the non-colloquial use of English – strange capitalizations of Fashion, Wardrobe, and Costume, use of the word engagement, and the downright bizarre construction within context of “upfront pay” – the tip off that this is a scam is the line “an EXTRA amount that you will use to pay for your wardrobe/Costume bills which you will forward to the Fashion stylist.”
What proceeds is the scammed person receives a check, deposits it, sends the “extra” money to the person listed, the deposited check bounces, the third party keeps the money, and the scheme moves on to someone else.
Another clue that should immediately cue in any savvy Internet user was the email arrived from “[email protected]” which is not even the domain name for Jill Greenberg’s agency.
The scam has apparently become so widespread that the Jill Greenberg website now warns people about it.
Ha, I just got that email, thanks for the heads up.
I think there are 2 things. Watching out for the Domain name for n the email and also I would recommend asking for a phone number which would throw any scammer.
There is now a similar scam going around, pretending to be Bruce Davidson.
They’ve even created a website in his name:
I got this email from [email protected], with this text, it seems the same scam.
I’M Bruce Davidson Photography®️,I went through your works via and i am glad to inform you that we are interested in working with you. We are interested in both (Male and female) professionals for a sales commercial shoot coming up which includes a video advert and Co-operate Photo Shoot. Interested Models who will be available are required to email back with a brief introduction and two recent work pictures, be sure to Include your current location and phone number in other to be considered for immediate booking. Feel free to mail back for additional information.
Event Date 1 : AUGUST 28TH and 30TH
Event Date 2: SEPTEMBER 10TH and 12TH
Time : 10 A.M. – 3 P.M*
Nudity: No
* No level of experience is required. (Free Model Coach available upon request) Compensation: Paid
Kindly reply back if you’re interested in more details.
Warmest Regards
Bruce Davidson Photography®️ (C.E.O)”
Thank you for your help, I hope to help others too.