Another musician is entering the debate over fans using their smartphones during a concert rather than enjoying the show for what it is.

None other than famed rock legend Steven Tyler, lead singer for Aerosmith, has said that fans should put away their smartphones and ”f***ing watch the show” according to PetaPixel.
Pretty strong sentiments, but feelings that are shared by other artists it seems as more and more shows come to be dominated by smartphone flashes.
More specifically, Tyler addressed one fan in particular saying, “Are you gonna put that on your website? No? Why are you filming me then? Well then turn it off! f***ing watch the show, man!”
Of course, reaction is somewhat divided on social media with some people applauding Tyler’s calling out people who interrupt the concert experience with constant smartphone photography with others thinking him calling out one fan specifically was a little too far.
For some perspective, fans recording things and taking pictures at concerts is nothing new, but it has taken on a whole new level with the ubiquity of smartphone cameras. From recording favorite songs to taking pictures for social media, the trend has caused some artists to ban photography and videography entirely while others resort to Tyler’s method of telling people to calm down with the photography.
Many people justify what they are doing with the fact that they purchased a ticket to the show, but so did everyone else in the audience.
You can watch the video of Tyler calling out the fan by clicking here.
What do you think? Is smartphone photography ruining concerts? Let us know your thoughts about this news story – and in general – in the comments below.
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If I pay for a ticket I want to take pictures. It’s called memories! Considering that ticket prices are ridiculously expensive the least you could do is get some pics. Musicians need to stop whining and be glad ppl still want to see them!!
A lot of people share your perspective Cindy. Thanks for your comment! 🙂