7 Signs That You Have Over-Processed Your Photographs

Modern cameras give us great images without having to do too much to them. Many of us, however, realize that with a little post production we can make our images even better, make them pop to coin a popular phrase. The problem is, that if we are too carefree and slapdash with our techniques, we can easily over process an image, something that may not be apparent until you make a print of it. So what are the signs of over processing and how can we counter them?

How to Create a Preset in Lightroom CC

We all have our own personal processing preferences that we do 99% of the time. From the moment we import files into Lightroom to the time we export a file for printing, we can create presets when we find a look or style that we like and that can be used repeatedly. In this article we will explain how to create your own presets using Lightroom CC.

How To Get The Film Look With A Digital Camera With No Post Processing Or Presets

Film look is something that is loved by most viewers mostly because we think film is what shaped the photography field long before digital came into the industry. Since digital cameras are easily available, affordable and are cost effective compared to film, most photographers are looking for a way to make digital photographs look like film. We will therefore look at how to get the “film look” with a digital camera with no post processing or presets involved.

Do You Know These 10 Photoshop Selection Tools?

When it comes to localized image editing, Photoshop is probably a photographer’s best choice among different post-processing software. The beauty and power of this platform lies within the gazillions of tools and editing options it offers. Among these powerful tools is the ability to select areas of an image for more precise handling. This is where selection tools are most useful.

The 100 Best Free Photo Editing Software and Management Tools

In the world of photography, there are some extremely good quality pieces of photography software that can hit you right in the hip pocket. But, depending on your specific needs as a photographer, there are also a lot of solid pieces of software that are totally free. Here is a list of the top 100 pieces of free photo editing software and management tools.