Why Curves is One of the Most Powerful Tools in Photoshop

To a novice photographer, Photoshop can seem daunting with its countless tools. To many experienced photographers, Photoshop’s curves can bring similar feelings of dread, yet for all it’s apparent complexity, curves are not only incredibly powerful but also not as difficult as you might think. Not only can you control exposure and contrast but also color, all using this one tool.

This Photoshop Tool Can Save You Some Serious Time

We all love to save a little time, but when it comes to Photoshop, some things are trickier than the others. Getting the right color look to an image can be quite a painstaking exercise, a lot of minute adjustments to colors, hues and saturation. However, there is one tool, not often talked about, that can allow you to make very subtle changes to the overall color look of an image with the use of a few sliders. It’s called Selective Color.

5 Blend Modes in Photoshop Every Photographer Should Know

Photographic compositing has been with us since the dawn of photography. The merging of two or more separate images into one is seen as a way of extending our creativity. In the digital age, of course, this has become a whole lot easier with the use of Photoshop’s layers and blend modes. Today we are going to look at five of the best blend modes for a photographer, but before we start we should briefly look at what a blend mode is.