Adobe LightRoom remains one of the most popular pieces of post-production software for photographers and for Light Stalking readers. Luckily, there are a lot of clever and generous people around the internet who have taken the time to produce some great tutorials on using it recently. So why not take a bit of time to go and see what they have to offer, leave a nice thank you note, and tell 'em Light Stalking sent you!
A Killer Collection of Adobe LightRoom Tutorials
About Author

Rob is the founder of Light Stalking. His love for photography started as a child with a Kodak Instamatic and pushed him into building this fantastic place all these years later, and you can get to know him better here.
Rob's Gear
Camera: Nikon D810
Lenses: Nikkor 14-24 f/2.8, Nikkor 50mm f/1.8
Precicely what I wanted – just got 30 days trial
Fabulous, thanks!
Thanks Dodo. Perri got me interested. There’s nothing like something new to learn & good looking senior moments captured
for pos-perri-ty!
Thanks for picking up my Lightroom Tutorial. You guys rock!
Thank you very much for including my LR tutorial too 🙂 It’s such an honor!
Thank everyone for taking the time to do these , they are very much appreciated
Great links I’ve been using LR for a few years now and there were a lot of things I never understood or knew. Thanks.
Thanks a lot for the great tutorials!!!!!
nice collection. thanks