29 Fascinating Photographs Of Mushrooms And Their Mystical World

Mushrooms are one of my favorite things to observe and photograph because of their unique characteristics, colors, and the unusual places they grow. They come in all shapes, colours, and sizes and grow mostly in damp and dark places that have nutritious substrates.

Mushrooms can be found on tree barks, other substrates, and most commonly on the ground. Hence it is a subject where the photographer needs to get down low or find a very unique perspective to capture the beauty of the mushroom in its habitat. Besides, one of the challenges photographers will be faced with photographing mushrooms is the lighting condition.

Mushrooms thrive in places with low light and hence you need to look for the right time and work with the available light to capture stunning photographs of mushrooms. This will require an understanding of light – how light works and how it can be manipulated for capturing brilliant photographs. Take a look at this course, “Understanding Light” by Photzy, to see what this could mean for you.

Here are 29 fascinating photographs of mushrooms in their mystical world.

red mushroom
Photo by Egor Vikhrev
brown mushroom
Photo by Külli Kittus
white mushroom
Photo by Atik sulianami 
many brown mushrooms
Photo by Jesse Dodds
orange mushrooms
Photo by Finn IJspeert
mushrooms dark background
Photo by Diana Parkhouse
small mushrooms
Photo by Egor Vikhrev
beautiful mushrooms
Photo by Phoenix Han
mushroom bokeh
Photo by Mason Unrau

Light is the basic building block for any genre of photography and in order to use light effectively and correctly to control the mood in your photos, you need to understand light. Only after understanding light, you will be able to use it to your advantage and take your images to the next level. We recommend you to check out this book “Understanding Light” by Photzy which will help you to master the core concepts of light in photography.

mushroom green background
Photo by Mason Unrau 
red and white mushrooms
Photo by Hans Veth
cute little orange mushrooms
Photo by Lucas van Oort 
chubby orange mushrooms
Photo by Vince 6800
mysterious yellow mushroom
Photo by Anuja Mary Tilj
mushroom on a cone
Photo by Anthony Cantin
white mushroom on a blue background
Photo by Michael Oeser
striped mushrooms
Photo by Edo Danilyan
delicate bright mushrooms
Photo by Jaap Straydog
large meaty mushroom
Photo by USGS

In order to understand the key concepts of light and how to make it work in your photography, check out this eBook “Understanding Light” by Photzy which has 88 easy-to-follow pages packed with training, illustrations, and assignments. It covers the key characteristics of light, how to read light in any scene, and much more. The exercises will teach you how to use light for dynamic mages.

delicate red fungi
Photo by Cole Keister
white mushroom in the forest
Photo by Jen Theodore
dewy green field
Photo by Mason Unrau
bokeh closeup of a mushroom
Photo by Dorothea OLDANI
unique textured fungi
Photo by Victor Serban 
tiny white umbrella fungi
Photo by Dorothea OLDANI
dark in the forest
Photo by Carey Ollerhead

Further Resources:


About Author

Dahlia is a stock photographer and full time educator at Light Stalking. You can find her on Gurushots and see some of her more popular articles at The American Society of Media Photographers. Get to know her better here.

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