Among others, a dominant topic in the photography world is the emergence of AI.

Currently, we are at the beginning of this revolution. That means that most access to AI is limited to apps or websites or some bespoke features on programs like Adobe’s suite. But the next step is integrating artificial intelligence directly into devices. So-called on-device AI not only promises big things regarding enhancing capabilities, like say for a smartphone, but also a veritable revolution in how content is captured and presented to the wider world.
Imagine AI handling the editing, filtering, captioning, and posting of social media content, for example, or generative fill being used to make that almost-perfect snap that much closer to perfection.
Samsung is taking the first step towards just such a future with its announcement of its new on-device AI called Gauss.
From Samsung’s press release:
“The model consists of Samsung Gauss Language, Samsung Gauss Code and Samsung Gauss Image, and is named after Carl Friedrich Gauss, the legendary mathematician who established normal distribution theory, the backbone of machine learning and AI. Furthermore, the name reflects Samsung’s ultimate vision for the models, which is to draw from all the phenomena and knowledge in the world in order to harness the power of AI to improve the lives of consumers everywhere.”
Of particular interest for our crowd is the Samsung Gauss Image, a “generative image model that can easily generate and edit creative images, including style changes and additions, while also converting low-resolution images to high-resolution.”
Currently being used among Samsung employees, Samsung Gauss will eventually roll out to the company’s myriad devices. Touted as a productivity tool first and foremost, Samsung Gauss presents us with an interesting vision of the future in which every smartphone owner is equipped with a very powerful AI platform capable of a multitude of tasks.
Per usual, any thoughts you might have on generative AI, particularly on-device, are welcome in the comments.
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