Code Reveals Samsung Bringing Tons of New Camera Modes to Future Smartphones

There are some cool new exciting things coming to Samsung smartphones in the future according to the code underpinning next-gen models. Among the new camera modes in the works include a “Director’s View” that lets you look at multiple modes simultaneously, Night Hyperlapse, Vertical Panorama, “Single Take,” and others according to a report from The […]

Samsung’s Cara Delevigne Space Selfie Faceplants Into the Earth

Selfies are a risky proposition. Just ask Samsung’s altitude balloon made by Raven Industries which the South Korean conglomerate commissioned to tote a Cara Delevigne selfie into space..only for it to become a falling star moments before crashing into the farmland outside Nancy Mumby-Welke’s house in Gratiot County, Michigan. Mumby-Welke said that she thought a […]