The Pros and Cons of Using Vintage Lenses Today

It’s a fact that many of today’s photographers have used a vintage lens at some point in time. Not only is it a cheap alternative to a modern lens, it also presents a wonderful opportunity at learning photography fundamentals. But, is it really worth it? If you ask me, I think it’s totally worth it. I must say that this article is purely based on my experiences with vintage lenses, and I’m sure most of you will agree.

The Yongnuo YN-560 III Flashgun and RF-603c Transmitter Reviewed

Before WWII Japanese products had a reputation for being seedy and inferior. Sony and Toyota changed that, with help from other Japanese manufacturers. Korea had a similar image problem. Samsung changed it. I think Yongnuo may be the first wave of a sea change in our perception of Chinese electronics. A few months ago I picked up a flashgun and transmitter set to do my own evaluation.

7 Fabulous Photography Deals and 4 Cool Freebies Only for You

Time flies. Before you even realize it, a week has passed. But it’s the day of the week you’ve all been waiting for (or so we think). It’s the Wonderful Wednesday – the day we bring you awesome photography deals and freebies! This week’s list contains links to some great deals on photography education, gear and software presets. But that’s not all, there are some really cool freebies to grab too! We hope you like them.

The Reasons You Might Want to Buy a Rangefinder Cameras

Photography has always gone through phases and fashions, both in the style of the imagery and of course the technology we use. At the moment the DSLR is perhaps on the wane whilst the upstart is mirrorless.

However, through these changes in fashion, one camera type has always sat in the background, quietly being used by a select group of enthusiasts and professionals alike – the rangefinder camera.