Every week we get uberly excited after noticing how our family gets bigger and bigger, and of course, this week wasn't an exception to that awesome fact, and we now have 150 new Light Stalkers!!!
We hope to keep growing in this beautiful place made for sharing our deep passion for photography.
Finally, everything is now stable after moving our beloved site to new hosting (we disappeared for a while and it wasn’t fun…)
Photo Of The Week – October 15th, 2018
Follow Me (II) – By Simon Parks
A stunning photo by Simon Parks is this week's Photo of the Week! Here is what Kent DuFault had to say about it:
“Simon uploads a lot of beach scenes and many of them include sailboats (aren't we all jealous? I know I am!). This one really caught my eye. The color scheme is quite beautiful, and there is also a bit of a storytelling element to it if you look closely.
I like the person standing on the bow of the powerboat, and the other person bent over in the dinghy… between the powerboat and the sailboat. Some type of activity, or exchange, is occurring. It leads one to create their own story about what's happening here. (I went from a provisions delivery to a drug smuggling deal-)
I also think that the mountain peak and billowing smoke work nicely as frames for the boats, as well as focal points to add visual weight to the boats- even though they are a small portion of a much bigger frame of bold beautiful color.
Gorgeous picture! Congratulations Simon.”
Mobile Monday And Weekend Challenge
We had some great animal shots posted to our Mobile Monday (Oct 8) and Weekend Photography (#403 – Rule Of Thirds) Challenges. We encourage you to participate in the challenges, they are a great way to stimulate your creativity or delve back through your archive to find a photo you might not have thought about for a while.
Mobile Monday… David Chesterfield snapped a garden visitor, Karen captured the cutest Lynx you've ever seen and Tersha left us with a spider! All mobile as per the rules!
Garden Visitor by David Chesterfield
Lynx Kitten by Karenhy
Autumn Spider by Tersha
Moving to our Weekend Photography Challenge and #403 saw some beautiful compositions with the theme being Rule of Thirds. Animals featured again with a Marmot from Bruce Gordon and a great bird capture from Lynne Harles – here's a sample!
Sunset by Karenhy
Battery Point Lighthouse by Frogdaily
Photo by Andre P
Marmot by Bruce Gordon
Fog Fishing by Ed Mullin
Photo by Lynne Harles
Photo by Ken Duke
Don't forget, this week's Weekend Photography Challenge theme is Complementary Colors.
What You Missed in the Light Stalking Community
Tobie always gets some really nice bird shot and here he shared a beautiful gallery with us depicting all the various birds he saw while waiting on a couch during a complete hour.
We also got some really groovy images from David Chesterfield, these were made simply with soap, but they look like they were taken with something from the guys at NASA. It is extremely cool to see how photography can take us to unseen parallel worlds simply by making us look things differently for long periods of time.
Beware of your files with the latest Windows 10 update, apparently, it badly trolled John into messing with his PDF files. At least it wasn’t as painful as what we read in this news piece about Windows 10 killing photographs…
I raised the question about Kodak's latest release on Ektachrome, I didn't get the answers that I was looking for but, I got a HUGE amount of valuable responses on color film photography. I can't wait to get my hands on some of this film
We'd Love To Hear Your Thoughts
Help these photographers become even better and more passionate about photography. Share your experience, feedback, comments, and critique over at the Tank
Top 5 Stories On Light Stalking
In case you missed these, here are the top 5 stories that have been super popular this week on Light Stalking – interestingly, readers a loving the night, with the top 3 all about photographing the night sky.
So What Exactly Is The 600 Rule In Photography? Here Jasenka Grujin gives us a fantastic article about the 600 rule. If you are into night sky photography or would like to start taking great photos of the night sky, then this one is for you.
How to Photograph the Milky Way in 12 Steps (With 6 Epic Examples) Jason D. Little's step by step guide continues to be a favorite among Light Stalking readers. This one has everything you need to know about photographing the Milky Way
Aurora Photography Guide For Images That Are Out Of This World Dahlia Ambrose's comprehensive article on Aurora photography is proving to be extremely popular. This piece is amazingly detailed with hints, tips, and learnings. It is a long read, so kick back on the train or grab a coffee and enjoy this wonderful how-to.
7 Famous Portrait Photographers That You Should Know Jasenka Grujin's piece is inspiring. It is always wonderful to spend time looking at the work of great photographers. Here in this article, Jasenka recommends 7 famous portraitists that you should take a look at.
Bite Size Tips: 16 Tips On How To Get Tack Sharp Landscape Photos Rounding out our top 5 is Dahlia Ambrose's latest Bite Size Tip – this one gives you 16 tips on making sure your landscapes are super sharp.
As Dahlia notes, if you are shooting landscape images, do not forget to share it with the community at Light Stalking, where we have a separate forum for Landscape Photography. We would love to see your images.
Please feel free to join to our warm photography community if you haven't done so already, and if you are a member, thank you for making our community a great place to be in the virtual world.