AI Image Generator Comes to Shutterstock

We’ve got more artificial intelligence news for you and today’s headline involves Shutterstock, the “world's leading creative platform for transformative brands and media companies,” and an AI image generator that “allows anyone to create high-quality visuals by simply describing what they're looking for — worry-free, one-of-a-kind, and ready in seconds.”

brown and blue wooden cabinet
Archival boxes lined up along a wall. Photo by Nana Smirnova

If it all seems like a revolution that’s sweeping over the world much too quickly, you’re not alone. From an industry perspective, however, Shutterstock is in a race with the competition to offer cutting-edge tech like this. After all, Adobe and Getty aren’t resting on their laurels, among others.

The press release details an image generator born of collaboration and one that anyone can use. Of course, some of the names will be all too familiar to readers of our blog – Meta, OpenAI, and LG AI Research – but what is somewhat unique about Shutterstocks’ effort is that it is part of a wider universe of creative suite offerings which seeks to satisfy whatever content needs a user may have.

And, in a nod to some emerging concerns around AI content, Shutterstock is quick to point out that artists are fairly compensated under their system for “generating and licensing the visuals you need to uplevel your brand.”

Shutterstock CEO Paul Hennessy describes it as a new way to tell stories and, from what we’ve seen on the Internet lately with regard to generative AI, there’s much truth to that statement. As we have covered here, there really isn’t much that AI can’t do in terms of creating landscapes, images of people, or whatever an end-user might need.

Any thoughts you might have on Shutterstock adding an AI image generator to its platform are welcome in the comments below.

Check out our other news at this link.

[PR News Wire]


About Author

Kehl is our staff photography news writer since 2017 and has over a decade of experience in online media and publishing and you can get to know him better here and follow him on Insta.

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