For those of us that use and love Lightroom, new features pop up from time to time. Lightroom’s Color Grading feature replaces Split Toning. At first? Shock factor! Split Toning is awesome and is one of my go-to tools. After playing with Color Grading though, my breathing returns to normal and I’m psyched. Read on […]
Author: Sheen Watkins
Sheen Watkins is a conservationist, wildlife photographer, instructor, author and photography writer. You can follow her photography on Facebook, Instagram and her website.
You have a photography website or have thought about creating one. Sure, Instagram, Facebook and other social media offer platforms to share your work. Viewers spend a few seconds seeing, liking and commenting on your image. Then, well, they move on to the next image or story in their feed. It’s the world we live […]
Challenge: You have the option of buying, using or traveling with one lens. If you packed that one lens for your next trip, appointment, or event, what would it be? For some that answer is easy. For smartphone users, point and shoot cameras, no decisions necessary. Those of us with DSLRS and multiple lenses, we […]
A photo blog? Or photoblogging? We see both versions across the web. Either way you spell it, some of us are looking for reasons to start a photoblog. Others are validating their reasons not to blog. The reality is though, some of us drive a photoblog without even realizing it. If you are posting images […]
Photographing fireworks captures bright, sparkly lights that last oh-so-briefly. In the next few days, evening sounds will include popping and booms from fireworks from holiday weekend events. The sky? The dark sky serves as a velvety backdrop for the big lights dancing in the night. When photographing fireworks, all you need is a few tips […]
In the past week, I’ve heard the phrase “getting it right in camera” from a few photographers in spirited conversations. We all agree that getting it right in camera today has the same meaning as it did in the days of film. At the same time, there’s also a different view behind this phrase. Optimum […]