The great thing about the internet is how much people are willing to share a heap of valuable information. When it comes to our favourite post-processing software, then it's staggering the amount of great information on Photoshop if you know where to look. Well, now you do know!
Adobe TV with Julieanne Kost – Julieanne Kost is makes a heap of tutorial videos for Adobe themselves and this is where you will find them! Hundreds of hours of free video tutorials that are well worth watching can be found here.
DEKE – A fantastic blog that is regularly updated and is hugely informative for anybody curious about Photoshop. Goes into some detail about design too.
Digital Mastery – There's a lot of cool and free stuff (especially in Ben's “Insight Injections”) that will keep you busy learning for a very long time. Ben also does tours and courses!
John Nack on Adobe – This is a blog on all things Adobe that is worth keeping an eye on – sometimes for tutorials and sometimes for discounts on Adobe products!
NAPP CS5 Learning Center – Some very cool videos from Scott Kelby and the folks at Photoshop User. These should be on your “must see” list.
Photoshop CS5: A Sneak Peek – Here are a heap of great videos covering the major components of Photoshop CS5. It also covers what CS5 does differently to previous incarnations of our favourite editing tool
Photoshop Insider – This is Scott Kelby's blog (if you don't know who he is and you're trying to learn about Photoshop, then you soon will). Filled with all types of PS goodies as well as general photography goodness.
Photoshop News – As the name suggests, there is a lot of news on this site, but it's also filled with tuts and videos that will help you learn PS. The amount of great content on this site is insane.
psd tuts+ – From the folks at Envato, the tut + network is one of the best websites on the whole internet when it comes to learning anything about Photoshop or design and photography in general. This is their specialist Photoshop hub.
The Russell Brown Show – Russell is the Senior Creative Director at Adobe and this is where he keeps a lot of his goodies. Don't miss this one.
I think Phlearn is the best I’ve seen.
This article definitely lists some of the best resources – most of them are well known. Sometimes it’s a good idea to look for the hidden gems. This site for example features some very useful high quality video tutorials.
Great to know there is “help” for Photoshop. I need it….