If you’re into portraiture or painting, you have probably heard about Rembrandt lighting. The following tips will help you understand how to set up Rembrandt lighting and when to use it.
Tag: Projects
Photography projects for you to try.
Rainy days are some of the best days when photographers can use their creative eyes and mind and apply the techniques that they know to make beautiful photographs. Most photographers tend to stay indoors on a rainy day, but the chances of getting stunning images on a rainy day are very high. Do not miss these […]
There is something about the color red that make our brains go a little bit crazy. A symbol of love, rage, courage, desire, power, and passion, it is one of the prime colors that can have an amazing impact on people and, as such, an amazing impact on your photography. The earliest attempts at photographing […]
Learn photography by doing photography is a theme we have been pushing for a while now, and it’s probably something you, like the vast majority of Light Stalking’s readers, gel with. It’s faster, more fun and an all-around more efficient way of learning. It’s how most of us WANT to learn. In that spirit, I […]
There’s plenty of good that goes along with being a working pro, but working to fulfil the vision of others can be personally and creatively draining. One way to offset this drain is to always have a personal project to retreat to. Here is why having a project to fall back on will benefit you and your photography.
Light behaves quite gently on overcast and rainy days, giving natural light a soft appeal and softening the natural saturation of surrounding colors on the city. Here are some easy-to-perform projects that can keep your camera dry when the rain is falling