21 Captivating Black And White Photographs That Accentuate Patterns

Black and white photography is very captivating and evokes a timeless mood by taking away the distraction of colors. It allows the viewers to embrace the textures and patterns that are accentuated through light and shadows.

Black and white photography is an art form where the photographer uses different shades of grey to capture compelling photographs. In order for black and white images to work, one needs to pay attention to the tonal range and hence will need to be wise when choosing the right scene and light conditions for perfect black and white photographs.

Here are 21 captivating black and white photographs that help accentuate the patterns in the frame.

Have you struggled to capture perfect black and white photographs or had trouble converting color images to black and white images that actually work? If yes, then this course “Creative B&W Photo Artistry” will give you the opportunity to expand your imaginative skills as a photographer!

black and white architecture
Photo by Sharath Kumar Hari 
black and white nature
Photo by Jeremy Bishop 
black and white sharp
Photo by John Salvino 
black and white clouds
Photo by Tom Barrett 

Capturing images to convert for black and white can be a struggle for beginners. You will need to learn how to see in black and white and then also have some post processing skills to get the images to perfection. “Creative B&W Photo Artistry” will help you to learn how to capture more creative images using advanced compositional methods and push them further through artistic treatments.

black and white patterns
Photo by Carlos Quintero
black and white water
Photo by Mike Ko 
black and white dunes
Photo by Jeremy Bishop
black and white birch
Photo by Patrick Hendry
black and white sand
Photo by Pierre Pavlovic 
black and white industrial
Photo by Matthew Henry

Black and white photography can be inspiring and with some knowledge of the craft, one will be able to capture images that will keep the viewers hooked for a while. We recommend you to check out this training “Creative B&W Photo Artistry” that has over 70 training video and a wealth of pro-designed content that will help to create works of amazing artistry in black and white.

black and white clean cut
Photo by Egor Vikhrev
black and white zebra
Photo by Karim MANJRA
black and white leaf
Photo by Faran Raufi 
black and white mountain
Photo by Chirag Saini
black and white birds
Photo by Faran Raufi
black and white street
Photo by Rene Böhmer

Further Resources:


About Author

Dahlia is a stock photographer and full time educator at Light Stalking. You can find her on Gurushots and see some of her more popular articles at The American Society of Media Photographers. Get to know her better here.

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