Light Stalking is a thriving community of wonderful and supportive photographers. So much happens here that it is sometimes easy to miss great photos, articles or stories that are important in our world. So that’s why we've decided to sum it up for you. Here’s what you missed recently on Light Stalking.
Photo Of The Week – September 17, 2018
Here's what Kent had to say about this photo and ultimately why he picked it for this week's POTW:
“This image has a real sense of mystery. From the expression, to the darkness, to the hands, to the slightly elevated view (giving her a sense of power over the viewer), the cropped head, the slightest catch of white in the eye, the gently parted lips, to the peeking through the foliage perspective, it's as if something significant is happening or about to happen and the tension is HUGE.”
A very big congratulations to Mariah on her impactful image. Kent also chooses a list of runners-up for the week, so take a look at these wonderful photos from our community.
- “Contrast! Contrast!” by Lenny
- “Water Drops #1” by Frogdaily
- “Water Drops #2” by Frogdaily
- “Cardinal Portrait” by Jennifer Bachman
The Weekend Photography Challenge #399
What a fantastic challenge last weeks was. Tersha does an amazing job of coming up with interesting challenges that inspire us to get out there and shoot. The theme of challenge #399 was SUN VS RAIN.
Below, our very own Federico Alegria has chosen those images that really hit and has added his comments on what makes them stand out. These images are all phenomenal. As Federico noted:
“The Weekend Photography Challenge #399 is filled with dramatic and rainy goodness! These images all represent the theme in different and very creative ways. Congratulations to everyone who posted and most importantly thank you for sharing your amazing and inspiring photos”
Rain makes the umbrellas blossom by rshattil
I really like this photograph for two reasons, the first one is that even though umbrellas are a common theme in photography, they are always pleasant for me. The second one and the really important reason is that even though we are seeing a bunch of umbrellas, the photographer managed to isolate one among the others, and that is really impressive indeed.
Daily rain in Chamonix by Chris
Chris is an extremely talented and bold photographer, and this candid street image of a man walking rapidly under the rain is quite a catch.
Light Show by Simon Parks
I love watching storms live, and this image feels almost like the real thing. There is not much to say about where to improve such a wonderful photograph by Simon. Perhaps something about the noise, but that has a lot to do with the camera's capabilities!
Photograph by Brenda
I must admit that I'm not a fan of extreme HDR, nevertheless, the shape on these clouds is so powerful, that I don't care about that too much.
Amor Vincit Omnia by Erik Fransman
Oh boy, I love this street candid image, I have nothing more to say than congratulations to Erik on his amazing photograph.
Underway Now – Our 400th Weekend Photography Challenge!!
This week's challenge is special – it is our 400th Weekend Photography Challenge!!! For this challenge, Tersha has chosen yet another fantastic theme, Silhouettes!
This is a very popular theme among photographers and it never gets old. Feel free to share with us your best silhouette imagery and don't be shy. Give your best to us! Some of you have already started sharing some of your photographs, and even if you don't want to share so far, I guarantee that you'll be delighted by the cool silhouette photographs posted by other Light-Stalkers.
Mobile Monday Challenge
Mobile phone photography is ubiquitous, and hey it is sometimes the only camera you have with you! The very talented photographer David Chesterfield moderates the Mobile Monday Challenge – as the name suggests, David starts a new one off every week, and we are off and running for the 17th of September. This week's challenge has some really amazing photographs already, so be sure to add yours.
Interesting Threads From The Light Stalking Community
Not everything in photography is perfect light and nailing the exposure, there are a lot of sad, funny, crazy stories, and boy I've been lucky compared to some of my fellow photographers commenting on this thread. Please feel free to share your bad (and also funny) experiences with us, because we can always learn from other people's mistakes.
Tobie launched a pretty interesting post in July about photos that have won any sort of contest and is still pretty active. I just stumbled into it and I think it is a very valuable one at our forum.
Looking For Help To Improve? Look No Further Than The Shark Tank
Help these photographers become even better photographers with your valuable feedback, comments, and critiques. Don't be shy, whenever someone posts at the Shark Tank, is because they are craving for constructive critique. Don't leave them hanging!
Top 10 Stories Of The Week On Light Stalking
With all the photography challenges and forum discussions, you may have missed some great stories from the team here at Light Stalking, so here is a list – a mix of news and how-tos – for you to enjoy and catch up on.
Artist Edits Photographer’s Picture, Calls It Art, Sells It As His Own – Here Kehl Bayern our resident news writer caught us up on a story about an artist's use of a photographer's image – fair use or theft…you decide!
Bite Size Tips: How to Get the Perfect Exposure with a Histogram – Dahlia Ambrose's Bite Size Tips are incredibly popular and it is obvious why – here in this Bite Size Tip, she runs us through the importance of using our histograms to get the perfect exposure.
Is This What’s Missing From Photography Training? – The one and only Kent DuFault discusses Linear and Non-Linear learning and how we can apply this to photography training and how we can learn better ourselves.
How to Photograph the Milky Way in 12 Steps (With 6 Epic Examples) – This is an oldie but a goodie. One of our most popular posts which has been shared over 3,700 times. Here, Jason D. Little teaches you everything you need to know about capturing the Milky Way.
What is the 500 Rule in Photography? – Here Rob explains the 500 rule and shows us how to calculate it.
These Photography Links Will Make You Smile 🙂 – Every week Toad Hollow Photography packages up the very best and most interesting photography links from around the interwebs! There are usually around 30 links covering everything from tutorials to inspiring galleries. Grab and comfy chair and coffee and set in.
This Street Photographer Was Beaten by Fellow Photographers After His Photo of Couple Kissing Went Viral – Kehl Bayern gave us another news story from the world of photography about the attack on photographer Jibon Ahmed
5 Secrets of Tasteful Boudoir Photography – Boudoir photography is extremely popular and here Jasenka Grujin gives us a lesson in empowering beauty. Here's another from Jasenka on boudoir poses.
This Program Turns Single Images Into Moving Photos – More popular news from Kehl Bayern but this time it is a story about a new software application that transforms your single image into a moving picture…this one feels very much like something from Harry Potter
5 Quick Tips And 3 Free Guides To Mastering Creative Silhouettes – To round out our top 10, Federico Alegria gave us this amazing piece on how to master creative silhouettes. This post is definitely one you should read for the 400th Weekend Photography Challenge!
We are deeply passionate about building a warm photography community in which we all feel comfortable both learning and helping others out. This beautiful project has grown over the years and to help out we would like to continue to give you this weekly update with all the amazing images and words from Light Stalking that you shouldn't miss.
We hope this has been helpful to our members and if you are reading for the first time and haven't signed up, we encourage you to join us in our photography journey.